November is Canada Career Month - It's Possible!

November is Career Month, which aims to increase awareness of career professionals and resources to assist others in accessing meaningful employment. Career professionals are located in schools, government agencies and in the private sector.

Check out the infographic below to learn what’s possible when planning your career:

Now Accepting Referrals

Now accepting new referrals for Individual Counselling and Vocational Counselling/Assessment. Services at this time are virtual. Please contact Sarah Hopkins via phone or email to schedule an appointment.


Save the Date - September 21, 7:00pm, Online Information Session

Parents, teens and adults are invited to view an online information session on Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00pm to learn about career planning. The session will be approximately 30 minutes and will include helpful tips and resources for learning about occupations and exploring career paths. A brief overview of Sarah Hopkins Counselling services will be provided.

To join:

Please email: A link to join the meeting will be emailed at the time of the session.

Book Recommendation - "Reinvention" by Arlene Dickinson

Looking for a good summer read? My current read is Reinvention, a book about Arlene Dickinson’s rebranding of herself and her business following a challenging time. A great book for those seeking change in their life or career and not sure where to start. The book offers advice and guidance on the steps required for change, including, self-awareness, a key factor when choosing a career or experiencing life transition.


“…Change begins by looking backwards. In order to figure out where you can go, you need to know exactly where you’ve been.”

- Arlene Dickinson

COVID-19 Update

Following consultation with Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT) released a document on re-opening guidelines for Counselling Therapists in community or private practice.  NSCCT has provided the following primary guideline: 

“Except where it is clinically inappropriate, NSCCT strongly recommends members continue providing counselling services virtually or by telephone (“e-counselling”), rather than in person.”

The complete set of guidelines is available on the NSCCT website and can be viewed by clicking here.

Sarah Hopkins Counselling will continue offering telephonic services for Individual Counselling and Vocational services.  Please review the Services section of the website for further details, or contact us via phone or email to schedule an appointment.


My name is Sarah Hopkins, I’m a Registered Counselling Therapist and Owner of Sarah Hopkins Counselling.  We offer counselling, consulting and assessment services to youth and adults. 

I have worked in many settings across my career where I have provided counselling and related support services.  The focus of my services has included: career development, adapting to life transitions, vocational assessment and improving mental health.  If you are uncertain whether our services meet your needs, please contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions. 

Thank you for visiting our new website and blog!  I hope to use this blog to provide resources and service updates.