Four Books for the New Year

Happy New Year! Here are a few of my favourite inspirational books.

Feeling Good - David Burns

A handbook to help analyze maladaptive thoughts and replace them with rational thoughts. This book is for everyone - we all experience negative thoughts that can lead to unpleasant emotions. The book contains helpful exercises and examples throughout to demonstrate how to change maladaptive thoughts.

Designing Your Life - Bill Burnett & Dave Evans

For anyone seeking a career change or starting to plan their future. Burnett & Evans are professors at Stanford University and teach a class in career design. This book has reflective exercises throughout to help identify what brings meaning to a person’s life and career.

The Gifts of Imperfection - Brené Brown

Brené Brown has several books that focus on self improvement. This book helps individuals identify blind spots and live authentically. “Vulnerability is bravery.”

The Moment of Lift - Melinda Gates

A book about gender equity and what others can do to advocate for gender equality. Melinda Gates shares her personal experiences and stories of empowering women.